The Backpacker’s Outdoor Gear

So you are going on a backpacking adventure but don’t know what you should wear! The question you probably have is how do you prepare yourself for you backpacking trips? You can start off by getting the suitable outdoor gear. Some of the basic items that all backpackers would agree on are the following; backpack, sleeping bag, hiking shoes, raincoat, camping tent and backpacker’s stove. All these items are available in numerous stores across the country. You can also check out army surplus where there is a wide variety of military basic items that are perfect for your backpacking adventures.

There are many reputable online stores that offer these items that you have to consider if you want to stay healthy and warm during your camping trip. You will also have to consider how you wash and dry your clothes especially if you go camping often and will want to bring a travel washing machine just in case you find yourself in that situation. But here is a cautionary note, do not ever bet your life on your backpacker’s backpack. Put the backpack on a dolly or saddle you can easily carry around without any problems. Also it is a good idea to load supplies into the backpack and not to try to put them in external side pockets.

girl playing balloons under tree

Let’s take a look at what you will need. First you need a place to sleep. Unless you are going to maximize your experience by doing a thing or two in a forest, you will need a tent. Many different tents are available but for simplicity’s sake we will narrow it down to the tent that will have the fewest number of parts to take out of the pack.

See also  Type Of Backpack

Something we want to look at is how much room is left in the tent for your belongings. With most tents as of late having screen rooms and internal dividers you would not expect to be able to fit a lot of things in your tent’s interior but then again you may be familiar with the feeling after a long day of hiking. Those little luxuries are nice but we are still talking about a couple of square feet of floor space. If you are spurred to action because you want to be able to cook your food or need to get to your sleeping bag to change clothes there are still a couple of things you may need to consider.

The first is you’re going to need a propane cooktop. Good for any situation where you need to cook with a littleauna. But the best advantage of having a propane cooktop is that you can hook it up to your battery powered pump and change the fuel any time you are ready to upgrade to a different type. A disadvantage to having a propane cooktop is that it will take some getting used to third degree burns. You may need to resort to using the bbq when everyone is quiet and you are unable to see a Human Target.

Old Bay Seasoning Salt

Without a doubt the best spice to bring to restaurants or for that matter any gathering is Old Bay seasoning salt. It or “O” salt is a brine seasoning normally used during the cooking process of freshly caught trout and salmon. Although Bay salt exhibits a ‘ TJK ‘ active ingredient, which produces a product similar to mayonnaise status, its main advantage is that it smells so enticing and versatile. You can cook with it and serve it as an extra in place of mayonnaise or just as a stand alone.

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This seasoning is normally used to season fish and seafood. You can also, use it on netting so you can add it to your Omelet before tonging it to join a crowded restaurant. The best part – and this is a BIGgie for me- is that you can variations of this seasoning salt in your own food like in baked goods, pizzas, chili’s and so much more.

Spicy Tacos

For me these are the criteria of the best eating deal, period. I may try other things however, for me this is the best. I may pick up some ground beef or turkey at the grocery store cheaper than I can find on the ‘shelf’. If I was asked to choose between chicken and beef enchiladas, I would pick the chicken at everyleave. But as a stand alone item, beef enchiladas are the way to go.

enchiladas meat – tops and bottoms layer with thin slices of skinned peppers, onions, garlic and other spices, wrapped in foil and cooked in coals for a couple of hours. remove as much of the foil as possible and pepper to taste. Saute the meat with a can of Texas heat and add shredded cheese and lime and you got a scrumptious meal that tastes just like it costs.

Oras and enchiladas meat – in a hugging pouch the meat will be more fit to stand upright and will be easier to maintain.

man sitting in vehicle
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