Cool Tent Wars: Pros And Cons Of Army Tents And Camo Tents

One of the hottest items in the open world is war. With the passage of time, technology has transformed the war scene; now it is the infantryman preparing for an upcoming battle, surrounded by the wilderness, his enemy. On one side there may be enemy soldiers lurking in the brush; on the other, there may be a dozen camo-clad men strewn around somewhere. execute orderlies, soldiers may have achieved promotions and are career enhancing. If you are lucky enough, you may be given an opportunity to actually take part in the battlefield. Generally, there are several different types of war artifacts that you may find; knives, guns, helmets, and the most valuable of all, the spoils of war. A soldier’s responsibility is to collect these artifacts and defend his honor.

Coolers have different designs, shapes and styles. They are usually made of plastic, but have become durable and handy enough to carry using their included carrying straps. You can use them to store your meals, drinks, and snacks. During your camping trip, you may cook many different foods and not always necessarily all at the camp site. You may have to take some extra stuff to assure that you have enough food and drinks to cover you in case you are lost or injured.

woman wearing white, red, and black striped cold-shoulder blouse surrounded by green leaf plants


Walkie-talkies are a crucial communication and linking device that may be able to reach out to relatives, medics and emergency services. Owning one of these devices may make certain that you can communicate with people far away. Moreover, walkie-talkies are also used to send audio and visual signals to each other.

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Hand Warmers:

An army knife can be a weapon or tool, so using a hand warmer to warm your hands is certainly something everyone should do. Just imagine you are having a conversation with your partner on the phone; the heater’s operation definitely comes in handy.

Insect Repellants:

One major cause of concern when camping or enjoying the outdoors is the numerous insects and pests. To ensure that you do not get caught by insects, always bring along an insect repellant. distributing prevalent insect repellants throughout the camping perimeter will help a lot in driving the bugs away.

Quality Binoculars:

Do not limit yourself to the recreational equipment alone. To add more excitement to your camping trip, grab a scope or a binoculars to add to your camping adventure. You can use them to see and enjoy the wildlife, and you will be surprised how many positive thoughts you will get from this.

2. Bring a quality first aid kit complete with sterile bandages, sterile wraps, and reference materials. Your campsite may have many health personnel which means that you need to be proactive. Running into an issue in the middle of the night? Why not use your first aid kit to triage the issue and perhaps even save the person.

3. Bring the correct footwear for the appropriate season. Just because it is summertime do not allow your feet to become cold. Be prepared for your camping trip to go hand in hand with your friends.

4. Arm yourself with a decibel level meter to measure the noise levels coming from the outside. Are you really ready for this? There may be a slight breeze, but the decibel level meter will tell you how quiet the environment is. Know how to interpret the level meter’s results.

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5. Bring candles for the campfire. These are useful when trying to get the fire going. The flame places a lot of stress on the tent and other camping gear.

6. Pack cotton shirts and trousers. Cottons are non-crocs that are non-elastic and have a very versatile usage. You can use them for latitudes and low temperatures or for forest cover.

7. Use your multi-tool efficiently. It is useful to have a multi-tool when you need to deal with a problem. Why not? After all, you never know when a multi-tool will come in handy.

8. Water is clean and pure. There are so many uses for water when you are outdoors. How important is it to have clean water to wash your dishes or for a hot drink?

9. If you are out hiking, ensure that you bring with you enough water to last you the entire day. If you are caught in an unexpected downpour or unpredictable snowfall, you can use purified water to stay hydrated and keep your stomach from growling.

10. Take all the things you need to survive and keep survival first priority. You may be out in the wilderness but that does not mean that you are far from help. If you need to dial for help or a map, you can do it. You have to think and come up with alternatives to survive.

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