Caravan Buying Conditions

Before you contribute to the pile of equipment you are about to buy, have a think about its condition. Caravans and motorhomes are certainly not cheap items and although we strive to keep them as well maintained as possible, it is easy to fall into the trap of overspending. Use this checklist to help you make your decision.

How well built is the caravan?

two person lying surrounded by trees

Everything that needs to be done to keep a caravan in tip top condition consists of checking the bodywork and the roof. Try to check all of these regularly and also look to see how the tyres are constructed. As with new cars, y actual colour of the caravan is not the point of purchase, however, it is a good idea to check the photographs of the vehicle in question.

How much are the caravan’s tyres worth?

How much a caravan’s tyres are worth depends on where you are intending to travel and how much tread is left in the tires. Tires are a lot cheaper to replace than caravans and generally last for at least twenty years. From my own experience, I have found that if you keep the caravan well maintained and look after the tyres, they can last a long time.

The upkeep of a caravan can take a lot of wear and tear and, where one is well looked after, these tires can come into their own. You will find that instead of seventy dollars, you actually only spend ten dollars or less on repairs for a long time.

How do you know that the caravan is well maintained?

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When you walk into a showroom, take a look at the maintenance, spare parts and known problems of the caravan. As you can see, not too much needs doing at the moment.

Have you been mechanic-ing the caravan recently?

Yes, I’ve heard it all before. You see, when people who have a spare set of wheels hire a caravan, they are more than happy to let you experts take care of their caravan.

However, you must be careful. If you are unsure about how to do this, ask the rental company to brief you on how to do this. In addition, make sure you arrange to have the specialist carry out his work to ensure that you don’t miss out on anything.

Can you think of any minor repairs you would like to get done?

If you have ever owned a caravan before, you will know that there are going to be some requirements. These are generally included in the price. As you can imagine, any repairs will be included in the price. However, there may be some that you have overlooked or overlooked. Don’t let this put you off, as once you get a call from the specialist, you will want to be there as soon as possible.

Whilst you may not be able to bring your favourite TV, you can usually get your favourite band practise recorded in a matter of days.

Storage of equipment is no longer an issue.

You are usually able to pack what you need, knowing that you can get it to where you need it, and having organisation where you need it.

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Why is everyone suddenly jumping on the same band?

Some people buy a new caravan, spare wheels are bought, some people buy a second hand caravan and expect the park to sort the mess out for them. Fortunately, most parks are able to cope with this.

So, what sort of things are we looking at?

You can’t come into a caravan park and expect the same experience as you would stay in a hotel. Walk around, look at various models, read carpets, ask passengers for their recommendations and you will find that some parks are actually very different to your own camping area.

Where do I get the best information?

Fish and tackle, which is a very specific type of fishing, will be under your control at the time you pay your deposit. Caravan parks are very keen to hear your thoughts on how best they can help you.

Caravan parks can usually help you with information on the best deals on caravans and motorhomes, but it is for you to ask them for this information.

Forms you should fill in (such as your personal preference on how you would like water and electricity to be arranged)

Mandatory details, such as the ages of people in the travelling party

Length of stay (including number of days, suites etc)

Worksites (where you should be staying depending on what you have selected)

Variety of restaurants and cafes

Start and end dates

Cellular structure (if you are concerned about something not working, bring along a checklist)

Price range

You will be extremely grateful to the park you select for your first stay in a caravan park, for giving you a fair chance to make sense of it all. Don’t be afraid to ask questions as the park personnel are there to help.

woman walking on sand near seashore during daytime
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