Whitewater Trip Panning: Whitewater River Rafting Main Salmon River Idaho

red and white dome tent on Grand Canyon, Arizona

“The best family adventure vacation we have ever had.”

“In this fast paced world I never get the time to spend with my teenagers.This is an excellent way to stop the clock and have fun with them.Thanks for the trip of a lifetime!”

“My goal was to have a special time with my granddaughter and we did.She does not stop talking about all the things she accomplished! Icannot think of anything I would have liked differently. Keep up the goodwork!”

Wonderful comments like these are regularly heard by adventure traveloutfitters from their clients. Whether it is on a family rafting vacation, at adude ranch, or participating in a wildlife expedition, family adventureholidays seem to be some of the most satisfying and rewardingvacations available. What is it about these vacations that make them somemorable and enjoyable? And what planning steps are suggested tofamilies considering an outdoor adventure for their next family vacationto help make that trip impactful as those described above?

Family adventure holidays are successful in large part because of thechallenges they provide and the camaraderie that results fromsuccessfully meeting those challenges. There is nothing like climbing upon a horse for the first time and pulling on the reins to get it to gallopthrough a mountain meadow, or paddling a bouncing raft through eight-foot waves. Successfully steering your horse or helping paddle a raftthrough a rapid are what makes family rafting vacations and adventureholidays so rewarding. What a great feeling it is to face a challenge anddo well! And, when you do this as a member of a group or team,everyone celebrates! When was the last time your family worked andplayed together to overcome a common challenge!?!? Simply put, theteamwork required in most adventure activities brings people together,friends, strangers, and families alike.

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Of course, it is very important to be as prepared as possible for anyadventure travel vacation. Correctly preparing yourself and your familyis the first step towards a successful outdoor adventure. The followingsuggestions may work for your family as you consider and plan yournext adventure vacation:

Choose the Correct Adventure Vacation for your FamilyPerhaps the most important decision you can make regarding anadventure travel family vacation is which adventure to choose. Tripsrange from one-day river trips near your hometown to multi-day wildlifesafaris in the distant corners of the earth. So how do you choose?Consider asking yourself the following questions to help you decide: Ismy family or are most members of my family adventurous? In otherwords, is our family one that enjoys or would enjoy facing excitingchallenges? If you answered no to this, then perhaps adventure travelvacations are not right for you and your family. If you answered yes, thenthe following questions should further assist you in deciding whichadventure travel offerings are best for your family.

Do we or would we like to camp and spend time outdoors? Since mostadventure travel holidays involve spending time outdoors and camping,it is important to at least feel comfortable with the idea of sleeping in atent, being out in the sun all day, etc.

What experience do we have with the activities we are considering? Ifyou have haven’t participated in the activity or activities that are thefeature of the vacation that you are considering (rafting, backpacking,horseback riding, four-wheel driving, etc.), it is a good idea to discuss this among your family members to ensure that everyone will participate.

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How many vacation days will there be? With many popularvacations having anywhere from three to eight vacation days, it is afantastic option to have a smaller vacation spread over a longer period of time.

What type of activities are we considering? Ifyou are considering an adventure travel family vacation, it is important to know what types of activities are available. You can find many vaisota activities from rafting, skiing, trekking, hiking, fishing, etc. toadventure travel vacations that are popular with adventure traveltours.

Do we plan to have a lot of activities or are we looking for a quiet location to have a child-filled vacation?

Do we camp or do we prefer a location with wildlife or are we going to have a location suitable for a lodge or our own retreat?

What will be our accommodation like? Will we stay in a hotel, a resorthotel or tent? Mostadventure travelhotels offer a selection of rooms categorized by shared bath-tubs, guestrooms, luxury suites and other amenities. Thelingery campsites are usually grouped by activity, such ascampsites, climbing adventures, or extreme activities.

What type of meal are you plan to have?

white and green glacier mountain
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