What Is Ecotourism And Why Is It Important?

person riding bicycle going towards red and black barn during daytime

Is Ecotourism a fad of tourists in search of a lifestyle?

What is ecotourism?

According to The International Ecotourism Society, the ecotourism movement is a relatively new concept, coined in the 1950’s.

Ecotourism is an international network of rural conservation projects that promotes tourism by providing access to natural areas and related services, such as education, health, water and land-use planning.

Ecotourism is increasingly important to global development. It benefits people in nations where landmines, like denudation and land- SciOD lands, have been left fallow and barren. These operations have also enriched local economies by creating jobs and providing local vendors with a means of income.

But ecotourism is also a matter of quality.Quality eco-tourism is sustainable development. It is designed to contribute to the conservation of environments and their diversity. It follows certain principles such as:

-Quality Eco-tourism involves the management of an ecosystem and the respect of cultural traditions.

-In order to sustain the well-being of the ecosystem, every operator of an ecotourism project mustaches the principles of ‘Inclusive’ Austrian environmental management and ‘fair trade’ tourism

-Wisconsin Stateologist Dr. Petra Kneissl is credited with coining the term ‘Ecotourism’

Many organizations are involved in ecotourism. Which one you belong to?

The World Wildlife Fund , in a draft decision of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), defined ecotourism as including

– observing wildlife in its natural habitat

– observing local habitats and migratory birds and mammals in their spring and autumn availability

– photographing animals in their natural habitats

– filming endangered species in their protected areas

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– preserving biodiversity and diversity

– fostering direct democracy and human rights

– ensuring adequate time for cultural, historical and political views

– monitoring abuse of endangered species

Choosing an ecotourism tour program

There are many tour companies which offer ecotourism programs based in their home country. Every ecotourism tour is a unique program designed specifically to meet the needs of everyone.

Before choosing an ecotourism tour program, it would be very good if you’re able to determine what would be the main focus of your tour. Is it to simply admire nature? To learn about other cultures and their natural beauty? To learn about local historical, cultural and spiritual landmarks? Or maybe its to learn about the land itself, its history and geology?

All these reasons can help you to choose the right tour. But how do you go about it?

For starters, you can choose one that incorporates all the things you are interested in. Whether it is the history and culture of your destination, the food and culture of your choice, or simply the company of people from all over the world who are very passionate about similar activities.

After deciding on the tour you’d like to attend, it would be smart to examine the route you are going to take. Not all tours are organized the same way. There are various types of tour packages, each designed for a different need.

For instance, if you choose to be part of a package tour,the main concern would be to determine if the tour operator is able to offer you a request for rainforest photography. Rainforest tours are different from most other tours since they generally don’t have a set itinerary. You are able to request a tour package for a longer duration which may be several days or a week.

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After choosing the package, it would be smart to make sure you have a list of all the amenities you’d like to enjoy. Fortunately, numerous tour companies have online reservation systems where you can decide on your tour with no need of over-due calls to the offices.

Serve when it’s busiest

Asking for reservations during peak season can often times save you a good deal of time and prevent over-booking. The main thing to do is to keep your expectations realistic. The last thing you want to happen is to arrive at your destination, find out it’s full, and have to cancel your trip. The smart way is to make your reservation online.

After your flight

When you arrive at your destination, don’t just start hanging out! Your first task will be to find the best location to set up camp. You may want to ask the travel agent if there are a particularwoods or landmarks to look out for.

After you’ve made your selection, you’ll be able to start unpacking. Once you’ve begun packing, you might next want to determine if you have all the equipment you need.

red car traveling on road
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