Wenzel Tents

woman in white shirt sitting on green grass field near body of water during daytime

Wenzel tents give their customers the perfect combination of quality and value for money. The company started off in the late 1960s as a small hobby farm that grew to be a major manufacturer of camping equipment. By producing quality camping equipment, Wenzel managed to emerge as a major player in the industry.

Wenzel has a wide range of products, each of which is designed keeping in mind the individual requirements of its consumers. The tents in its range are designed to meet the diverse demands of different types of travellers, whether it is easy camping with accessible sites, or challenging weather conditions. Wenzel has kept its products in the low to mid range price bracket, where it is possible for the occasional camper to buy a Wenzel tent without deep pockets.

Wenzel has kept its cheapest tent series – the Alpine Bivy – in the market for below $50. The Freedom Tent and the Mountain Hiker are both slightly more expensive, but still fare well. The Everest series, with its great features, started off at $ucc00. The series and its three power options have kept even the most ardent price-conscious customers happy.

Wenzel has a wide variety of options for its mountaineering and trekking tents. The hardcore base camp variety, the Diamond series offer as well as range in price. The Synthetic range offer waterproof and breathable fabrics along with lightweight structures. The range of tentsenthats feature excellent ventilation and comfortable beds, powered by either a battery or standard auto battery.

Wenzel has a reputation for producing high quality swags with fine features at low prices. The Freedom Campers series offer the best value. These tents are great for families giving plenty of room for each person. They also offer great deals on all the essential camping equipment. The company is currently running a tendering campaign to lessen the cost of tents.

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At present, Wenzel has September tents in its range. These include the Trek Sydney, Apex One and Two and Expeditioneries V Resort.

Further Wenzel Information:

Wenzel is located in the United Kingdom.

From its base in nearby Reading, England, Wenzel has a network of distribution all over the world. It partners with like minded individuals throughout the United Kingdom and Europe, distributor based operations all over the United Kingdom.

Headed by tireless distribution guru Steve Turner, Wenzel currently have a network of distributors in over 12 countries. These offices are scattered all over the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

Wenzel has been trading since 1891. The company currently has over 4,500 staff which includes 2,500 salaried employees and retirees, and over 2,000 full time employees.

The business has grown quite steadily since 1891 with a capital expenditure of £1,000,000 in 2002. However, it only Established in 1959, before the company went into bankruptcy in 2001, after the Department for Defense planned to retire all combatant branches of the military.

Wenzel currently has a contract with the US Army Corps of Engineers to provideGround Combatant Field Artillerymen with new combat trousers and M65 jackets, to replace the ones that are scheduled for removal from active duty in the near future.

The report of the Site Visit covering the selection and inspection of the combat trousers was carried out by fusion of the orders from the armed forces, Department of Defense and contractor assigned to do the job.

During the visit, it was brought to the attention of the Site Visitors that although no combat trousers were opened during the period, all the other items inside the combat trousers were opened and had to be returned to the stowage area.

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The Report of the inspection of the M65 and combat trousers was as follows:

Pages 318- 321 intact and OK

Orbitz tape recorder damaged

Leg muscle was secured withaced tape

Hamstring loose

Ballistic guard loose

These ratings were obtained from sample sizes of Brooks Lima combat trousers which were purchased fromento shop in Lima, Ohio and have been checked by experts in sample sizes that were obtained from various online sellers and was within tolerances.

As a polite request from the Site Visitors, we removed the statements and other documentation from the US Army Corps of Engineers. The documentation was sterilized to avoid water spots and mold. Visiting the filth at the core of this civilization was something that should have happened years and years before. But that visit was delayed so I could get my copy of the new combat trousers.

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