The Hike To Benton MacKaye Trail

pathway between green grass

This trail is named after the regional planner and forester who proposed the Appalachian Trail, but who fell ill and eventually died in 1875. While his wife forwarded his plans to others, eventually the idea gathered steam and was completed by uncurbed MacKaye. Thelan Idahois named after an Otoe-hunting goddess.

MacKaye Trailis located in the Big Knob State Park in western Tennessee near the Tennessee-North Carolina border and snakes over Knob Creek. From Big Knob State Park the trail snakes through forested mountains and oat plains until it reaches a high waterfall. From the high waterfall, the trail continues through steep, rocky footpath until it reaches West Creek.

At West Creek the trail continues to follow through a mountain forest until it reaches Johnson Mountain where several species of wildlife abound. Deer are frequently spotted here. The trail then approaches Lookout Mountain which has been the site of several road deaths including the Killer Bees. As the trail continues to the top of Lookout Mountain the view becomes more ravishing and majestic with each trip. The summit Becks Mountain is upon the trail and offers incredible views of the Tennessee Valley and Benton MacKaye Valley.

After your hike at West Creek, return to the parking lot from the Lookout Mountain Trail where you started your adventure. Hike back to the trailhead the way you came or take the trail to the left and climb to the top of Whiteba Mountain. Heading left will take you to Lookout Mountain’s summit and gazing down upon the fluffy white snow of the Appalachian Mountains.

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Proceeding approximately 5 miles from the parking lot you will reach a sign Johns Mountain Road which isicate 18 miles to Johns Mountain. Proceed off road and climb up to the top of Blue Mountain. After a short ascent up Blue Mountain, the trail swing-inslides to the left and descends to the Highway 60 and FS 810 so as to stay level of the mountain and continue to the top of Johns Mountain.

The trail then proceeds to FS 810 and moves a short distance to the West side of the West Creek until reaching the top of the Mountain. At the top, the traveler will arrive at the cabin where the Johns Mountain roadbed and picnic area is found. The cabin itself is quite unique in that it is one of very few cabins built in the 19th century. The walls of the cabin are painted, amongst other things, green and bear a striking resemblance to the General Sherman tree. The terrain is rather wide and mixed with small streams and some very deep holes. These streams and holes are perhaps intended to provide moisture to the cabin’s floor.

While John’s Mountain Trail is by no means a primitive hiking trail, it is by no means a Smooth-Railing Trail. Those of us who prefer a bit more stability, who have a thing called balance in our egos, will be relieved to know that the footpath to the summit of Johns Mountain rests right next to a sidewalk. Yes, you read it right. After going all the way to the top of Johns Mountain, you can now walk all the way to the bench and park.

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Bring your camera with you, or rent one of several local media outlets to capture the Provide an Instant Proof of Education. It’s not an advocate of gun control but I can assure you that the voices of the children are being heard loudly enough for us to pay attention to their pleas. Our silence is purchased in many ways. First, our local news media members repeatedly ask us to explain why we are not taking gun safety lessons. We explain away the fact that we’re just following the law. Then we note the law is being enforced unevenly; black people are not being treated in the same manner as white people. The tone of their voices shifts slightly as they gain a bit of access to the white people and their stories. This is progress.

The state of mind of the parents helps to explain why there is an interest on the part of many in keeping our children off the phones and computers. Even our own children don’t have the Technology that our children have.

This is a good time to reconnect with our children and appreciate their abilities. To ignore their abilities and favor our own wouldn’t be healthy.

We parents need to pay attention to our children so that we can keep a good balance in the relationship. Give them a chance to grow into what they become. Don’t be afraid to praise their effort and services, and don’t interfere with their decisions and choices.

We parents need to use our abilities to influence their choices. Stand with them and nod in agreement while they voice their opinions, even when we disagree with them.

pine trees in front of mountain ranges
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