The Dangers Of DEET Insect Repellents

If you head out into an area where you suspect bugs will be biting, it makes sense to use insect repellent to keep you from being chomped on. The active ingredient in most repellents carries inherent risks, some of which are outlined below.

The most commonly used repellents containing DEET are the following:

woman in the middle of the road

Along with the negative health effects detailed above, there are other risks including allergic reactions, skin reactions, rashes, dizziness, vomiting, fatigue, rashes, allergic reactions, vomiting, and in some rare cases, death.

If your skin becomes allergic to DEET, the chances of it Guinea Wrack (it is often mistakenly marked as DEET on packages) are greatly increased.

After all, the CDC has listed insect repellents containing DEET as one of the top 10 causes of Lyme disease risk.

When used as directed, insect repellents containing DEET do not harm the environment. In fact, many of the natural insect repellents used around homes have environmentally friendly active ingredients including DEET. On the other hand, natural repellents do not work as well as synthetic ones so it pays to look for the right one for your camping or hiking adventures.

The direction to purchase depends on your destination. If you are headed to a location where there is a risk of snakes, its best to purchase a snake repellent that does not contain DEET.

Avon Skin-So-Soft (IR3535) is a good example of a “natural” snake repellent. It is unscented and does not contain any chemicals.

You can also purchase various types of natural repellents from certain outdoors stores. I personally use Pepper Spray and I know that it is humane, environmentally friendly, and very effective in deterring both permanent and semi-permanent skin allergies.

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You can also purchase various types of natural repellents from botanicalks. Botanicalks are retailers that specialize in selling and distributing natural/ organic/ natural/nesorical products.

Purchasing anything at the store is a great thing to do if you are considering making an eco-friendly purchase. Botanicalks are able to specialize because they sell products that are created in a way that they are able to pass on the information to others. This means that you can purchase a product knowing that it is 100% pure and have it sent directly to the consumer. This is a great way to insure that you are buying the real thing.

The last option is to do the research yourself and do so knowing what your options are. Some of the information that Botanical Kings carries is unique and it would be very difficult to find anywhere else. They are able to tell you that a certain tree is good for you, it will not harm you, and will even cure various illnesses. You can also ask them to create a custom list for you and get the information that you need with in the comforts of your own home.

Remember, when it comes to buying things, generally you can get it cheaper online if you are careful and do your research well. Botanical Kings also carry a number of repellents that are good for kids too such as fractionated sideways force fields. These are available as sets of 2 and 4 which comes in very handy if you have small children with you.

Make sure that you carry with you your trusty compass when you venture out into the woods and paths to avoid getting lost. Also, because botanical plants have thorns, you will need to carry a thorn hammer or similar device to specifically get rid of these annoying stones.

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When you are camping, you will find that there are many trail options with some great views. For the more adventurous, you can choose to set up a campsite in a woodland area and spend the night under the stars or with minimal amenities. Of course, you can always prefer the comfort of a regular tent just for you.

Obviously, the success of your camping trip will very much depend on your budget. However, that is not the only factor that has to play into your decision making. More importantly, you must not forget to factor in the kind of trip you want to have. If you plan to go sea kayaking, for example, you will need to simulate rough sea travel in your mind to help you to avoid getting wet in an overboard manner.

When you are stuck in a formal tent with pressed cloth walls and columns, light Armani-Gel milanes and bulbs hanging down in the ceiling and floors, you will not relish the idea of sleeping on dirt and gravel. To remove the roughness from your exterior, you will need to get a temporary bed out there.

person standing at the edge of a rock mountain facing the mountains during day
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