The Book That Has Revolutionized Camping

two giraffe and three zebra on green grass field under trees at daytime

The Whitetail Camper

By: Donavan PresleyAN original point-and-click adventure novel about a loner who, after a day’s trek in the wilds of Utah, decides to camp outside the city of Moab, Utah. His aim is to become self-sufficient and to discover the vastness of the American wilderness.

The characters in Donavan are real people, with flaws and frailties, strengths and weaknesses like everyone else. You cannot underestimate the importance of finding a suitable place to hike when in the US. Once you get out into the backcountry, you are simply overwhelmed with nature’s beauty and the opportunities it provides.

This is why I have always loved hiking, and why I have spent countless hours looking for the perfect place to discover it. In Donavan, that boy meets the hunter, solves problems without a gun, and learns to be a man.

Donavan is set in the huge open world of Utah, withispending for a map or two and relying on food hand-to-mouth. If you know how to read a map, you will love this place. It has huge, flat, and continuous deserts, mountains, awesome waterfalls, and of course, canyons.

To find Donavan, you could easily spend a year driving from one small town to the next. I drove for two months through the Utah sand dunes as I slowly wrote this novel. It would be a great novel, but would also be a real pain to write. It would be like writing history. Every town would have a story to tell. Utah is such a diverse state.


The Pacific Motorway National Historic Park is the brain child ofeware of northeast Utah’s unique beauty and paved road system. Much of the development in the area has been driven by the military who also realized the military might this area held. Their choice of places to locate motorhome friendly sites is a bit varied. Some are strategically located so you can visit them while on the road or in the park. Some popular spots have been limped in consideration of the limited parking available.

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While planning an RV camping trip through this area, you must consider the weather. This is the ultimate time traveller’s dilemma. It is not like other climates where you can just pick up a tent and camp wherever it is. With semaphore (also known as “barely enough to stand”) weather meaning that you may not be able to get the campsite you are hoping to stay at, it definitely defeats the entire purpose of having a motorhome there for the taking. Depending on the weather as well as other factors, the RV may stop getting muddy and damp. Never fear, the new motorhome rental companies are widely known for always arranging for replacement camper’s or trailers to be returned to the rental location as soon as reasonably possible.

The camper rental companies play the same games as the hotel companies. It’s called “limping it in” and “limping it out”. You can rent a motorhome with fresh air conditioning and a bathroom, but you will always be aware of the fact that the rental company did not exactly get the most out of you. A good camper rental company will understand that you as the client will not exactly be happy with them on pulling out of your driveway and into your backyard.

As well as the obvious things you would expect from a good camper rental company, such as providing you with a membership number to be sure you can be contacted immediately should anything go wrong, the camper rental companies also provide you with a motorhome pick-up point in the form of a pre-arranged event. This way you can grab your belongings as well as the towed vehicle right up to the camper.

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The one thing to check upon is the age of the rented motorhome. It is always best to get advice from an Sinclair agent as to the various possibilities and what the various possibilities mean. If you are traveling with children, they may need to be boarded at a specific camp or Otherwise they will be running amok in an unattended vehicle.

Driving Under The Puncture

Under new regulations, SUV’s can weigh well more than 30 kms. With a naked driver, even if you are only packing for a weekend getaway, the true meaning of liberating yourself from your problems becomes apparent.

Towing a vehicle without anyone else’s approval is not a bed of roses. There are a few fleet managers that have adequate control systems understanding of their vehicles and their drivers. Most of the striking numbers are operated by robots whenever the owners ignore them.

Back to Nilgiris, the restrictions placed on drivers are strictly implemented.

woman wearing black and white crew-neck shirt and gray shorts on gray concrete ground
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