Basic First Aid Kit Supply In The Outdoors

vehicle surrounded by mountain

Many campsites are far away from adequate medical facilities. Even with paramedics and rescuers flying in by helicopter (which is only frequented by kindly furnished Land Rovers), it could take several hours to find the injured party. In situations that admit few risks, most Optometrist Associates Practitioners recommend a simple First Aid Kit supply consisting of the following items:

For a full list of what to include in your kit see “Outdoor First Aid Kit”.

Water Purifying Tablets

Consult a physician If you are likely to have taken a crash head-on with a car, you should not wait until you are on the side of the road to ask basic medical questions. The bruises you discover may be severe and require Hospital Treatment. It is unwise to assume that the side of the road is adequate for medical emergencies.

The issue of water may be a particularly tricky one. Where do you start? Well, if you are unsure whether the water is drinkable, there is always hope.witch the bottle and wait for ages for a drink. If you are really brave you can make your own “human swamp bath” by filling a 5 quart bucket with water and adding a couple of hanging bunches of leaves. Put it in the shade and cover with leaves. Irrigation can make the solution last for days.


Mosquito Head Netting

MAX Tent

Sherpa Cover

Aming Gear Reinforced Badge Clips

Portable Shower Head


Duct Tape – A whole 26 miles (42.6 km) of it!

There are a couple of must-have items in your kit that are not necessarily gear. The first is rain gear. Actually, any extra barrier between you and the elements is worth having, such as a good rain suit. There are several options for this. In temperate and other warm conditions, a space-age storm jacket is well worth having. In all other conditions a lightweight poncho or rain suit and helmet offer protection. They are easy to put on and take off. Poncho’s can be used as a shelter and for signaling in bright light conditions. They also give better back protection than raincoats. They are available in several colors including camouflage. These are extremely comfortable to wear and pack. The ends roll up and fit snugly to your body. They are quick and easy to put on over your clothes. If you need ample sleeping quarters for warmth there are no-see-um mesh tablets to put in your sleeping bag. They instantly heat up to keep warm in 40 below weather.

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The campsite may have a very sanitary restroom or out house but the problem is that this is usually out in the wilderness and involves the use of a very under equipped “mule”. Unless your camping with a group there is no guarantee that a “mule” will have the schedule that you do. So make sure that you have break time in your schedule. This is a good time to use the family toilet. The Eskdara Holidays in the UK usually involve some amount of hiking. Your schedule will not be underway but if you choose to have a light jog along the way or if the sun is shining and you feel refreshing, then do watch out for the local wildlife.

This is a time to be alert to the dangers of an unprepared camper. Bringing a high level of security and preparedness for your outdoor vacation will change how you experience camping. With the equipment available today you can experience comfort from a very small amount of mass in terms of central heating during the day. And you can have cool boxes and refrigerators available to as you relax.


It will be too strenuous to carry lots of water so you will need to carry a water filter with you. This will also keep your iodine tablets working at optimum. Be sure to taste the water. Chewing the iodine tablets will make the water more palatable.

Iodine tablets are good to carry but remember to taste them. If you are away from habitation for a decent period of time then you will need to top up your water before you get it.

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If you are out in the wilderness and not in a camp ground to ask someone for water then:

ALWAYS stop and ask for water. I know this is a basic but anytime people are in the outdoors they can become dehydrated.

Water is the most critical element in survival. Once you’ve decided what you are going to do, whether it’s to survive or to enjoy yourself, it’s important to always be prepared. Every meal, every snack, every drink requires preparation. The easiest preparation are those that use powdered milk and hot water. Boil the water first, let it cool for a bit and then mix the powdered milk with hot water.

snow capped mountains and red leaf trees at daytime
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